If you change your own energy, you can — with others — change the energy of a place.
Changing the energy of a place, you can change the energy of a whole area.
So, those who learn and gain energy through understanding can change the planet.
If it all comes together, those growing energy and wisdom can change the planet.
If you change a planet, you change the Universe.
If you change one Universe, you can change all of them.
There is a lot to do, because it’s infinite.
— Aedgar 13 September 2013

The Conscious Virus — the first novel Published

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First book in the series (an origin story)


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About Us

Miki Mitayn is a woman of Australian Aboriginal, Irish and English descent. She works in health and as a science and medical writer. The Conscious Virus, her first published novel, and Heated Earth - Aedgar Moves In are available now on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and via Independent book stores.

Miki began writing magical realism in 2015. Posts from earlier years appear here as transcripts of conversations. As her creative writing developed, Miki wrote the conversations into stories, revealing more about where the sessions happened and how the protagonist, Dr Nerida Green, felt and responded.

The spirits, or non-physical beings

The non-physical beings urgently intervene. With distinct personalities and histories from their own times, places and cultures, each plays their part in the passionate push against threats to our planet.

They care for Gaia and the sensitive souls here.

They have no respect for stupidity or false religion.

Their concept of intelligence has nothing to do with a written test.

Wealth has nothing to do with money.

The beings have ideas about science and technologies, historical (and current) methods of healing and interpersonal relationships. With insight into the nature of reality, the purpose of existence, past or concurrent lives and physical, spiritual and emotional health, they provoke thought and growth.

The Conscious Virus and Heated Earth - Aedgar Moves In happen where humans meet spirits. The non-physical beings prompt people to untangle complications humans have created. Challenges arise for humans, enmeshed in dense, physical reality.